Thursday, March 29, 2012

More Scrapbook Layout Ideas

Today I want to discuss a few ideas about how to include memorabilia pockets in your scrapbook pages.

Pockets behind pictures work great if you have no extra room to lay them.  Creating pockets that slide out from behind the pictures is a great way to include things like show tickets and theme park passes.

 To do this adhere 1/4 inch double-sided tape to three sides of your picture or picture mat.  Then adhere the ticket or pass to a piece of cardstock.  You can layer this with a printed paper in between the picture and some plain colored cardstock, or put plain colored cardstock behind the picture with the printed paper at the very back.  If you do the latter, make sure the printed paper is a heavier type similar to cardstock weight.  You can add a tab of some kind to the back layer to make it easy to pull out your insert.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Photo Ops for Your Christmas Scrapbook

This is a post I began to write in December.  I thought it might give you some ideas about photo ops for spring break and summer break.  Enjoy!

It is always fun to take pictures of your loved ones opening presents.  But have you ever thought about taking pics of your kids or grandkids playing with the rolls the wrapping paper comes on or the boxes larger gifts come in?

Before I became a scrapbooker when my son was small (he's a daddy now with FIVE children!) he would take the cardboard rolls and do all kinds of things with them.  One of his favorite things to do was to make a spy glass and put a smaller roll inside a larger one.  He would move the larger one up and down as he scoured the living room with his invention!  I wish I had known then what a photo opportunity I was missing.  I'd love to be able to scrapbook that memory!

Another neat photo op my husband thought of is kids playing with boxes.  His kids would take the larger boxes and make forts and houses and boats out of them.  They'd put them under the dining room table, under the baby grand piano, or right in the middle of the family room.  They'd hook them together and crawl through one into the other or they'd stack them.  And again . . . he has no movies or pics to use in a scrapbook of those memories!

Make sure your memories of the small things get documented.  Even the most mundane, everyday activites could be a memory you'd like to preserve in print.  Catch your kids or grandkids at their creative play and snap that photo.  You'll have thousands of wonderful pictures in your albums that your whole family will enjoy for many years.