Thursday, September 13, 2012

What Would You Do?

I need some input from anyone who would like to give theirs.

I would like to develop a product that I could sell from my new website, once I get it up and running.  I am thinking about either doing scrapbook page kits, or card kits, or possibly a finished scrapbook page or card.

I know there are people out there that like to have finished products, but I also know that some of you like to put kits together, too.

Let me know your pleasure.  Just leave a comment here on my blog.  I welcome your input.

Also, please pass the word along about my blog to your friends.  I'd love to have lots of ideas on here from other scrapbookers and cardmakers.

Happy scrapbooking!


  1. great blog, found you from LinkedIn. I'm a digital scrapbooker, so I can say much about selling your layouts. Although, I do sell greeting cards. My cards are more of a hobby, so what I make goes right back into my supplies.

    1. Thanks for checking out my blog and for the nice compliment. I know that those of us who make cards don't normally buy cards from other people, but it sounds as if you are making a little bit of money selling to those who would rather buy than make cards. That's great! Maybe one day your hobby will turn into a bigger money maker for you.

      My card-making is more of a hobby for me, as well. I haven't tried selling them, as yet, but I have had a few people approach me and ask me if I sell them. I'd like to set aside some time to do that. How do you work card-making into your schedule?

      Thanks again, for taking the time to check out my blog.
